Mana’o Radio is excited to join forces with Maui radio personality and community journalist, Trish da Dish, as we continue our mission of supporting live music on Maui and the musicians who make it thrive.
Join us every other week for our new Facebook LIVE show called Mana’o@Home!
Trish presents an hour-long talk story, interview, and live music experience featuring a respected Maui artist/band on the Mana’o Radio Facebook page LIVE stream.
We are grateful to the brand new Backlit Buddha Studios in Kahului for allowing us to present this and all future episodes of MANA’O@HOME in their beautiful new rehearsal studio!
There is a virtual tip jar for artists to allow Mana’o Radio friends and fans the opportunity to support their favorite artists while enjoying live music performed by some of Maui’s finest musicians in the comfort of their own home. Front row for all!
We would like to thank our underwriters for Mana’o@Home. Venture Physical Therapy, is a family owned, small business and physical therapy group serving Maui County for 12 years. Also, mahalo to da Playground Maui, the isle’s multi-faceted live event venue in Mā’alaea.
This week we are pleased to welcome LIZ MORALES.
Liz Morales is the founding member, singer-songwriter, producer, small business owner of Maui Entertainment Co. for the beloved Maui band, AHUMANU. Slick stringster Liz loves the musical process: the collaborations, musical expressions and the sharing of her knowledge and talents with fellow up and coming performers. We’ll be streaming live from Backlit Buddha Studios in Kahului!
MAD LOVE to our production team of Cody Azlan Quintana & CQAUDIO, the angels at BackLit Buddha Studios, and our underwriter, da Playground Maui, the isle’s multi-faceted live event venue in Mā’alaea. HUGE GRATITUDE to our loyal supporters of Venture Physical Therapy since the beginning.