Radio You Won’t Hear Anywhere Else
Featured Underwriters
Passionately Curated Radio
At Mana’o Radio we know that you live a vibrant life, and enjoy discovering and connecting with compelling new music. Our DJs are here to offer Maui's widest variety of music that you won't hear anywhere else on the local dial.

We believe music has the power to inspire, make you feel alive, and build personal connections. That’s why we play music you won’t find anywhere else. You’ll hear powerful works of art from a variety of genres that have been personally curated by passionate and knowledgeable DJs.
So, start listening today. And in the meantime, sign up to get the latest local music news and events. It’s time to stop feeling bored and start being inspired by music again.

The Reviews Are In: "A Must Listen."
My favorite radio station. They are independent and community supported and play a wide variety of music and a lot of stuff you wouldn’t otherwise here. Not your top 40 station by any means which is great. They always promote local events and do a lot for local non profits and similar organizations.
-Dane L.
Killer set around 8pm Wednesday. I want to save every single song!! Thanks for the good vibes ☺️ You made my evening, dancing in my pjs and being happy!!
Live streaming from Austin Texas, earbuds on catching Gayle Lewis spin those tunes. Digging Saturday nights, for a few years now.
-Tamara R.
We love the diversity and straight up ALOHA at Mana’o! More music and less talk. The PSA department rocks too. DJ’s are the BEST on the planet. Thank you for all you do
-Ellen and Phil F.
Ah… Nobody Knows You… yes Bessie.. tell it like it is! Haven’t heard that song in so long thank you thank you! Awesome! I was listening to this while I was pumping gas at Costco. So I left my door open, the radio blaring, dancing away. The guy on the opposite pump came dancing around… He hadn’t heard it for a long time either. The woman behind me at her pump asked me what station I was listening to. I told her Manao radio… she never heard of it… Now she has! 91.7 I said told her all about everybody was a volunteer from the community that just was there cause They love music. anyway, a new listener! Way to go Bessie and Mike!
-Susan Bradford
After stumbling on 91.7 (The Golden Record) while on Maui in 2020, I have been a huge fan from afar ever since. We’re back on island for three weeks and my radio has been pegged to Mana’o radio! I loved Tim’s Bit’s And Pieces” show, and I’m looking forward to Sarahtonin later today! It was a good reminder to donate.
-Chris L
Community based radio, staffed by diverse, dedicated, and creative DJs who know how to entertain!
-Michael R
This radio station is so innovative, original, creative, and enthusiastic that it hearkens back to my DC days with WHFS and WTJU in Charlottesville. I listen to KMNO daily in Austin, and needless to say, crank it in the condo and in the convertible each summer on Maui. Outstanding, informative, and entertaining DJ’s. A must listen.
-Bennett N.
My wife and I are contributors living in Minnesota and we stream Radio Mana’o a lot. We exercise in our basement to the Stream and this morningwe caught Tom Littell’s first show. It was fantastic – the sheer randomness of the sets was spectacular. I mean, “Hooray Hooray It’s a Holiday” and “Cat Scratch Fever” in the same set. I actually applauded. Anyway, rookie or not, Littell is really good at this and we look forward to many hours listening to his eclectic array of 60’s, 70’s and 80’s tunes. Well, done!
-Mike S
Great listen while working today. I’ve been spreading the good word on Mana’o Radio to all my friends and family here on the mainland, i.e. Seattle and beyond. It’s wonderful to stay connected to Maui and my ohana there.
-Kevin C.
Radio You Won’t Hear Anywhere Else
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