Beyond the Dial, Mana’o Radio DJs Carmen Eclectra & Pistol Pete Share their Playlist
Posted on December 11, 2020

Mana’o Radio DJs Carmen Eclectra & Pistol Pete
If you haven’t figured it out by now, our 40+ Mana’o Radio volunteer DJs are music fanatics. They continually discover new music and connect us with incredible classics and rarities our listeners may not have otherwise found.
On top of that, many of our DJs share their Show playlists so you can easily download tracks and discover other songs by those artists or similar music.
Pistol Pete says…
Carmen and I strive to create an upbeat and original playlist every week, usually designed around a theme. With a show the day before Thanksgiving, we chose a theme of “birds” to honor the fallen holiday birds, as well as those feathered friends still afloat. We called this one “Cheep Tricks & Fowl Play” 🙂
Our rule is that a song can qualify for a theme by way of song title, album title, artist name, or even just in the lyrics. This opens up room for lots of deep digging. Carmen sends me a bundle of songs, and it’s always a delight to see what another perspective will uncover. I weave her songs into my list, and the result is a back-and-forth playlist of treasures that we present to our listeners, as well as to each other.
This week, we also included additions from our special guest, Fowlmouth Fitz, the Chicken Whisperer of Happy Valley, who joined us by phone for witty banter! My favorites on the list include the U2, Stone the Crows, and the Eagles tunes (which were played from vinyl that I brought to Maui with me from Colorado almost 30 years ago), and DEFINITELY the Flight of the Conchords songs. It was a special treat to find out that Carmen had never heard of them, so she heard them for the first time during our show. Hey, Carmen!…
Carmen Eclectra says…
I’ve been a huge fan of Mana’o Radio for the 10 years I’ve been on Maui, and I feel blessed, lucky, and grateful to be a part of such an epic station, sharing a show with the wise, witty, oh-so-competent-and-cute Pistol Pete, and having the freedom to play whatever we want!
The themes of our shows add a lot of fun and humor, and allow us to explore new wonders every week. The “bird” show was no exception. The songs this week from Flight of the Conchords were a big hit, with me, as well as several listeners who called in response. Krysti Kicks (fellow Mana’o Radio DJ) was loving them, as were Cheri and Mitch who called from Seattle…pretty sure it was “Business Time” for them 😉
Big mahalos to all of our enthusiastic and loyal listeners, the wonderful array of sponsors, and all of the talented volunteers who must feel much the way that I do! All of my love and aloha to everyone out there listening to the best little radio station on the planet!

Tune in to The Pistol Pete showwith Pistol Pete & Carmen Eclectra every Wednesday 5:00 to 8:00PM.